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Graeham Goble was a vocal freak. Love his harmonies on everything Little River Band ever did. His solo work is excellent and totally worth a listen.
YouTube: I've requested 'Kings Of The World' to be played at my farewell, I love it so much. So peaceful, so simple, so beautiful. Graeham Goble, what a wonderful all-time talent you are for Australian music.
Hi Graeham, I live in a town southwest of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the USA. I have been an avid fan of Little River Band since the mid-'70s. In 1983 I watched the HBO concert and got to see the band for the first time. I had always wondered who sang the high harmonies, and I immediately knew it was you. Such amazing talent - and a humble spirit. You were always the rock-solid foundation of the band. Graeham Goble, Beeb Birtles, and Glenn Shorrock will forever be remembered as THE Little River Band. Thank you for the most amazing music ever created! Your devoted fan, Ricky Babin
Hey Graeham, I finally got Birtles Shorrock Goble Full Circle CD+DVD edition for the American audience. I love it so much that I had it sent also to my brother, sister and son in law. Thank you so much Graham, you are the quiet gentleman who wrote most of the songs, your music speaks for itself. The great music will live on.
'Take It Easy On Me' - To have and to have had are they the same thing? This music answers many questions the more you play it... Nirvana, Heaven, as well residing in all things and every breath or whisper of your intentions and actions. Live and love, never fear loss for thou art with Thee, and celebrate your every thought. Play it again would you Sam... Please... FOR ALL TIMES SAKE.
Hi Graeham, I have written you over the years about the song you wrote that is, without a doubt, one of the BEST songs ever written and recorded... that being 'It's A Long Way There'. Well, as it usually happens, it popped in my head in the middle of the day yesterday, so I loaded the CD into my studio computer, cranked it up and got the same chills I always get whenever I hear it. From the first notes of the strings, to the spine-tingling, dramatic wind-down ending, that song is absolutely perfect! It's been a few years since I've written to you, so I thought I would again. I apologise for the subject matter being the same every time, but I guess that's the price you pay when you write one of the greatest songs in music history! Thank you, again for that, and I hope this finds you and your family well. All the best, Michael
Graeham Goble set out to compose and record the 14 minute 'Initiation Suite' because he wanted to write a very important piece of music.
He accomplished his goal. He also did so with every other track on the 'Let It Rain' album. I remember telling him how many other tracks he had written that were just as important for me. And he smiled, and said, "Yes Bennett. I like them too".
I've been listening to the 'Let It Rain' album almost nonstop for three years now. And I love playing it for producers and studio engineers because it sounds so fantastic on large and perfect speakers. There is a link to the 14-minute Initiation Suite. The album is mastered by David Briggs, a good friend and professional associate of Graeham. The sound is so perfectly placed, I will testify that at 4:24 into the track I always fall off my sofa as if there is an invisible force included with the album.
I contacted Graeham about the album and let him know how important a piece of work it was, for me. And he always said, the album will find its place when the time is right. To say it's self-reflective and forward-looking, all in one would be an understatement.
I remember saying, "Graeham. First off, there are so many hit singles on this album I could count you five of them, some imbedded as movements within 'Initiation Suite',"
But I'm quite sure that the track 'Initiation Suite' could begin an entire New Age movement. Living in Los Angeles, that was no casual statement.
I remember taking a forbidden picture of the album cover inside the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. They almost ejected me. I've never known Graeham to be a rebel, but I know he took some delight in what I had done. He thought it entirely appropriate that 'Initiation Suite' required a debut at Rome's Vatican.
I found the photo. I was listening to the album instead of the headset given to us by the tour guide. It worked very well for me! At a time of change in our lives, this is a perfect soundtrack. Also an essential album for those interested in the work of German philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.!
I asked him for background on the album, and he provided a reading list and a wonderful set of graphics that he sees behind a movie one day featuring this soundtrack. 'Initiation Suite' follows the story and order of Goethe's 'The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily'.
Thanks so much Graeham for Kings Of The World, it's my favorite song by Mississippi, I must have been 14-15 when it came out, miss the days of decent radio. Cheers man.
Wow, 'Initiation Suite' is awesome. I was lost in it and didn’t even realize that 16 minutes had passed. It’s lush, tight and deep (in touch with eternal higher-self, a subject I know well). Accents and punch in all the right places. An aural amusement park with multiple rides. Great lead vocal!
I will NEVER get tired of your music. THANK YOU!
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